In the perspective of the 21st Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (CoP21) in Paris from November 30 to December 15, 2015, and in the continuity of the youth consultation on the environment and climate initiated by SE Mme. Michaëlle JEAN – Secretary General of the Francophonie, the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF) held an international training workshop on climate change and sustainable development in Libreville (Gabon) from October 19 to 22, 2015. 43 young people aged 18 to 34 from Member States and observers of the Francophonie, engaged in the fight against climate change and sustainable development, were selected from hundreds of applicants to participate in this workshop. During the workshop, participants were trained on issues related to climate change so that after returning to their homeland, they could plan and implement small projects to outreach, encourage and mobilize the community to act for the sustainable development and the fight against climate change.
Having the honor to be selected as the “ambassador” of Vietnam during the workshop, I had a wonderful opportunity to visit Libreville, Gabon, discovering Africa for the first time, and meeting youngsters from all over the world. During four days of work, we were able to share our common concerns about climate change, to exchange our experiences on activities and projects of young people from different countries in the fight against global warming. We were also able, thanks to the excellent experts and facilitators, to increase knowledge on CoP21 and on communication techniques to sensitize and educate the population about the importance of environmental protection and preservation. As a young scientist from USTH, I had the opportunity to present the scientific research activities on the environment and climate change under implementation in the university. Scientific research is an essential element in the fight against global warming. After the workshop, I want to share my experience to young students, to encourage them to pursue studies in the sectors of environment and sustainable development. I hope that my meaningful adventure can motivate our youth to participate positively in social activities to fight against climate change. By: Trịnh Bích Ngọc