On June 7, 2019, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH, Vietnam France University) solemnly held the Launching Ceremony of the Master Program of International Air Transport Operations Management (IATOM), with the participation of many partners, lecturers and students of the Aeronautical programs.
Attending the ceremony were Mr. Eric Molay – Attaché for Science and University Cooperation of the French Embassy in Hanoi; Mr. Francois de Bortoli – Senior Director of Airbus International Cooperation Department; Mr. Michel Chauvin, Graduate Program Manager of French Civil Aviation University (ENAC); Assoc.Prof. Dinh Thi Mai Thanh – Acting Rector of USTH; with representatives from companies and enterprises in the aviation sector.
During the opening speech, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinh Thi Mai Thanh asserted that the Launching cermony of the master program IATOM an important event, marking the new development of the aviation training activities at USTH. The IATOM program is established within the framework of the tight cooperation between USTH and ENAC and the strong financial support from Airbus.
With the Bachelor program of Aeronautical Engineering, the Master program of International Air Transport Operations Management are expected to bring the international standard training quality in the fields of aviation management, aeronautical maintenance, and air operations.

According to Mr. Michel Chauvin, representative of ENAC, this is the first aviation management program implemented by ENAC in Vietnam and Southeast Asia with the aim to train future high standard managers for the rapid growing aviation market. Students will study 01 term at USTH, 02 terms at ENAC in Toulouse (France) and 01 term of internship at aviation companies in Vietnam, in Asia or Europe. Thanks to the special structure of this program, students could gain valuable experience in an international environment and be prepared to become future managers, who are capable of coping with changes and competition in the global aviation market.
The program equips students with fundamental knowledge in aerospace engineering, including aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, flight mechanics, aircraft structures, navigation systems as well as in-depth understanding related to economy and management. After graduation, students will be well prepared to take management roles and become great leaders in both local and international contexts.
Also at the ceremony, Mr. Francois de Bortoli, Director of International Cooperation at Airbus reaffirmed the support of Airbus for 2 aeronautical training programs at USTH. By funding these programs, Airbus showed its long-term commitment to support the Vietnamese aeronautical eco-system with sustainable educational projects, and also to continue to build trustfully relationships with Vietnamese partners.

With the strong support of French Embassy, USTH Consortium and Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology of Hanoi, USTH has established the partnership with Airbus, Vietnam Airlines, France’s Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) and Institut Aéronautique et Spatial (IAS) to establish 2 new aviation training programs: Aeronautical Engineering (bachelor degree) and International Air Transport Operations Management (master degree).

USTH has received the commitment from Airbus to provide the financial support of 2.45 million USD for management of the two programs. Besides, the two largest French aviation training institutions, IAS and ENAC will support USTH in developing training programs and sending lecturers to participate in the teaching process. Particularly for aeronautical engineering program, 30 best students graduating from each intake will be recruited by Vietnam Airlines.
Admission requirements: Bachelor Degree in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanics, Mathematics, Mechatronics, Physics; with sufficient English proficiency
+ USTH: Mr. Laurent BRAULT, coordinating international aviation program at USTH
Email: laurent.brault@usth.edu.vn
+ ENAC: Mr. Michel CHAUVIN, managing graduate program
Email: michel.chauvin@enac.fr
USTH, Airbus jointly hold launching ceremony of new aviation training programs
Master of Science Aeronautics and Space – International Air Transport Operations Management
Admission Calls for Master Programs Academic Year 2019 – 2020