On December 7, 2020, the University of Science and Technology of (USTH) successfully held the 6th University Council Meeting with many important decisions, which created a favorable premise for the expansion and development of USTH in the next academic year.
Due to the influence of Covid-19, the meeting was conducted in the form of a combination of online and offline meetings to grant the full attendance of members of the University Council on the French and Vietnamese sides.

The meeting was attended by Prof. Phan Ngoc Minh – Vice President of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Chairman of the University Council; Ms. Dominique WAAG – Deputy Director of Higher Education and Research Department; Mr. Denis Despréaux, Vice Chairman of the University Council; Prof. Bernard Legube, President of the USTH Consortium and members of the University Council, who are representatives of ministries, universities, research institutes and companies of Vietnam and France.
In the opening speech, Prof. Phan Ngoc Minh praised the University Rector Board and all staff, lecturers, researchers as well as students for their hard work and efforts to make USTH overcome difficulties during the Covid-19 crisis.

On behalf of USTH, Prof. Etienne Saur- Principal Rector and Assoc. Prof. Dinh Thi Mai Thanh – Rector reported the results of the academic year 2019-2020. Accordingly, USTH has got many remarkable achievements. Regarding training, the number of enrollment of students increased significantly by 52%. In terms of research, USTH has published 140 articles, including 96 articles in journals on the SCI-E list, up 1.5 times compared to 2019.

In the academic year 2019-2020, the University awarded scholarships to excellent students with a total value of up to 4.5 billion VND. In addition, USTH reduced tuition fees for all students by 8% due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In particular, USTH recorded many important milestones in the development in the academic year. On September 16th, 2020, the Intergovernmental Agreement between Vietnam and France on the next 5-year development of USTH was officially approved, affirming the strong commitment and support of the two Governments, thereby creating a favorable premise for the sustainable development of USTH. On November 18, 2020, the University officially announced a new logo and brand identity to create a different and stronger brand identity for USTH in the educational system of Vietnam as well as internationally.
During the meeting, the members of the University Council discussed, and approved many important proposals, contributing to the development of the University in the future, including the cooperation model to co-issue dual bachelor’s diplomas with French universities in the USTH Consortium; launch two new programs in 2021, namely: Data science and Automotive engineering; and open Pharmacy program in the near future.
Closing the meeting, Ms. Dominique WAAG – Deputy Director of Higher Education and Research Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France sent her congratulations to USTH for achieving the positive enrollment figures and overcoming the difficulties in curriculum and research in the period. Ms. Dominique WAAG hopes that the University would achieve success in the next academic year with all 3 levels, namely: bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral level as well as in research. USTH would be firmly path to become the leading university in science and technology in ASEAN.

See more photos in the meeting: