On 25/06/2020, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH, Vietnam France University) organised the first event in the Café Scientifique series with an aim to provide an open space for everyone interested in science and technology to discuss latest ideas in the field.The Café Scientifique series at USTH, inspired by the idea of Duncan Dallas’ Café Scientifique meetings in Leeds, United Kingdom during the year of 1998, is organised by the Direction of Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer (DRITT) – USTH.
At the opening ceremony, Dr. Luc Le Calvez, Director of DRITT remarked that Café Scientifique is an open space for science story-tellers, as well as a place to find friendship, happiness from good science, and help that is “free of charge.” Café Scientifique will be organized every last Thursday of each month and is open to lecturers and students at USTH.

Sharing at the event, Dr. Pham Van Nhat stated that microfluidics is a novel approach for many types of research due to fast chemical reaction rate, tiny volume of sample, easy operation requirements. Some applications of microfluidics are: Organ-on-chip, Droplet as microreactor,…