On October 22, 2021, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH) held a doctoral thesis defense for PhD student Nguyen Ngoc Lien, majoring in Pharmacological, Medical, and Agronomical Biotechnology with the thesis title: “Metabolomics and metallomics analysis for identification of antibacterial agents in hyperaccumulator plants “.The doctoral thesis title is guided by Dr. Nguyen Thi Kieu Oanh – Deputy Director of Department of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi and Prof. Dijoux-Franca Marie Geneviève, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1.
The defense was attended by 7 members of the thesis jury, including Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dong Van Quyen, Director of Department of Life Sciences USTH – Chairman of the jury; Prof.Dr. Le Mai Huong – Institute of Natural Products Chemistry; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Duong Thi Thuy – Institute of Environmental Technology; Dr. Anne-Laure Banuls – Institute of Research for Development; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phuong Thien Thuong – Viet Nam – Korea Institute of Science and Technology; Dr. Duong Hong Quan – University of Public Health; Dr. Nguyen Thi Van Anh, USTH. Besides, the defense also had the presence of friends and relatives of the PhD student.
Under the chairmanship of Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dong Van Quyen, the doctoral thesis defense of PhD student Nguyen Ngoc Lien took place in 3 parts, as follows: thesis presentation, assessment from the jury, and voting from jury members.

In the first part of the defense, PhD student Nguyen Ngoc Lien presented the research results to the thesis jury. PhD student focused on the research of metabolomics and metallomics analysis for the identification of antibacterial agents in hyperaccumulator plants. The thesis indicated that an increasing number of microbes broadly distributed in the environment are involved in human diseases and several infectious agents become more and more resistant due to anthropization activities such as mining activities in the ores. Under heavy mental stress, multidrug resistance bacteria can express intrinsic efflux pumps for both metal and antibiotics extrudation. Heavy metal contamination also causes the modification of the constituent of plant second metabolites. In the multi-drug resistant era and the lack of new antibiotics, research about native plants growing under heavy metal contamination is considered as the potential approach to identify new antimicrobial agents to find multidrug bacteria. PhD student conducted and observed research mainly on hyperaccumulator plants in Thai Nguyen province. The results of the research bring out new directions to develop antibacterial lead compounds for treating clinical infection off S.maltophilla as well as to study its new resistance tendency.

After the presentation, the members of the Council gave comments and research directions to help the researcher continue to develop the research in the future. According to the evaluation of the members of the jury, PhD student Nguyen Ngoc Lien has had a well-done research process and has produced research results with scientific value and high applicability in practice.
After the discussion, the jury held a closed meeting to get a final result. PhD student was got with 7/7 votes. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dong Van Quyen on behalf of the jury congratulated PhD student Nguyen Ngoc Lien for successfully defending her thesis.

Before the end of the defense, PhD student Nguyen Ngoc Lien gave a speech to thank the Department of Life Sciences, instructors, colleagues, friends, and especially family to supports and encouragement for the PhD student to successfully defend her doctoral thesis.