On 2nd October, 2019, the Department of Information and Communication Technology of USTH ( ICT) organized successfully the ICT Information Day 2019 with the participation of many big companies and research institutes in the fields of ICT. Attending the event were the representatives of 8 reputational companies and research institutes in the trendy ICT fields of artificial intelligence (AI), information security and software development, including Dr. Bui Hai Hung, Director of AI Research of Vingroup; Mr. Le Cong Thanh, Director of Infore Technology; Dr. Do Quoc Truong, Director of Vietnam AI System (VAIS), Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Quan, Deputy Director of Information Security Centre of VNPT; Dr. To Dinh Dung, Director of Applied Research Centre of Vietnam Airlines; Mr. Shinichi Emmei, Director of GrapeCity Company (Japan); Mr. Vu Manh Hai, Director of BFAST Software Technology Company (France) and Mr. Bui Van Dung, Vice Director and Training Director of ArrowHiTech Company.

On behalf of USTH were Prof. Etienne Saur, Principal Rector; Assoc, Prof. Luong Chi Mai, Co-Director of ICT Department, Dr. Pierre Larmande, Director of ICT Lab, lecturers and more than 300 students of ICT Department.
While delivering the opening speech, Prof. Etienne Saur, Principal Rector of USTH emphasized: “USTH aims to develop our training programs with the close linkage with industry, responding to the demands of the labor market; therefore, these career orientation events as the ICT Information Day 2019 with the participation of many industry partners will become a bridge to connect the university, research institutes, companies with students. The tight collaboration with the industry will help USTH to increase the applicability of our training programs, equipping students practical knowledge and skills, responding better to the demand of the labor market and recruitment criteria of future employers.”

On behalf of the Rector Board, Prof Etienne Saur thanked all the partners for contributing to the event and expressed his hope that USTH would continue to receive their support and collaboration in training and research activities to bring the best internship and job opportunities for ICT students.
At the event, representatives from ICT Department and invited partners provided useful information on further learning and career opportunities for students after graduating bachelor, master and Phd programs at USTH.
In terms of further learning opportunities, Assoc. Prof. Luong Chi Mai, Co-Director of ICT Department introduced students the co-accredited master’s program between USTH and 10 reputational French universities and research institutes. Focusing on two domains in Data Mining and Infrastructure for IoT, the program with all the courses taught in English by experienced lecturers from French universities and research institutes would be an ideal option for those who would like to pursue higher education after graduating.

In terms of further job opportunities, the invited representatives provided students with up-to-date information about the ICT labor market and the demands in expertise and skills for human resources in the era of 4.0.
The representatives said that the ICT labor market was growing rapidly, bringing many career opportunities and challenges for employees. To succeed in the competitive market, ICT students should obtain not only solid knowledge but also language skills and soft skills such as team work, project management skills…

Huynh Vinh Nam, a senior ICT students said: “The ICT Information Day is such a useful event, not only for senior students but also for new students. The informative sharings from ICT Department and future employers help me and the other students to have a clear career orientation and prepare ourselves better during our study.”