On June 9th, 2022, a cooperation agreement between University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH), Vietnamese-German University (VGU) and Vietnam Japan University (VJU) was officially signed.
Participating in the ceremony were representatives of the Board of Directors and Heads of departments from 03 universities. On the side of VGU, there was Prof. Dr. Tomas Benz, President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Hung, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Ute Cornec – International Research Coordinator, Dr. Nadine Vanessa Kegen – Head of Strategy and Quality Management Department; on the VJU side, there was Prof. Furuta Motoo – Rector, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Oanh – Vice Rector, Assoc. Prof. Tran Thi Thanh Tu – Vice Rector, Mr. Shinichi Ishihara – JICA expert (Japan International Cooperation Agency), Chief Advisor of TC project (Project for Enhancement of Education, Research and University Management Capacity at VNU Vietnam Japan University), Ms. Hisako Tsuji – JICA expert, Mr. Jung Hyun Ryu – JICA expert, Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong – R&D Promotion Officer, Ms. Le Hoang Yen – Cooperation and Development Officer; on the USTH side, there was Prof. Jean-Marc Lavest – Principal Rector, Dr. Nguyen Hai Dang – Vice Rector, Dr. Luc Le Calvez – Director of Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer, Assoc. Prof. Tran Dinh Phong – Co-Director of Research, Innovation, and Technology Transfer, Ms. Pham Thi Thuy Ngan – International Cooperation Department Officer.
After introducing and welcoming the delegates attending the signing ceremony, the universities introduced their overview information, development plans and training programs.
Established in 2008, Vietnamese-German University (VGU) is a public Vietnamese university developed in close partnership with Germany, which is based on the principles of academic freedom, unity of teaching and research and institutional autonomy. With excellent training programs in the fields of smart engineering, information technology as well as business and economics, VGU is moving towards its goal of becoming a leading research university in Vietnam and in the region, an excellent teaching and learning environment for students and young intellectuals, promoting the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of Vietnam.

Vietnam Japan University – the 7th member university of Vietnam National University (VNU), established in 2014, is expected to soon become a world-class university and a symbol of the relationship between Vietnam and Japan. With the strong support of the Governments of Vietnam and Japan, the support and cooperation of VNU and leading Japanese universities, at the same time with conditions to ensure good training quality and international environment, the university will be a place where talented scientists and students come to work and study.

University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH) is a public university established in 2009 within the framework of the Intergovernmental Agreement between the two countries Vietnam and France with the orientation of becoming an excellent world-class university training in science and technology. The university is strongly supported by the French Government through a Consortium of more than 30 universities and research institutions in France. The USTH’s mission is to train quality human resources in the field of science – technology in order to develop research and promote technology transfer, to anticipate the future in terms of technological change and to become an excellent research university in the region, attracting talented international students.
Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Tomas Benz – President of VGU expressed his happiness to be present at the signing ceremony and emphasized that this will be the beginning of the connection between lecturers and students, an opportunity for academic exchange and research cooperation between universities. The Professor also hopes for more in-depth meetings in the future as well as the success of this cooperation.

Also in the ceremony, Prof. Furuta Motoo – VJU Rector expressed his delight at the progress in the cooperation relationship between the three universities, believing that this cooperation will contribute significantly to the development of undergraduate and postgraduate training in Vietnam, promote research and contribute to the country’s socio-economic development. The cooperation agreement will open up many learning, exchange and internship opportunities in an international environment for talented students in Vietnam and internationally.

On behalf of USTH, Prof. Jean-Marc Lavest – Principal Rector affirmed that the three universities have many similarities in the fields of training and research, wishing to promote cooperation between universities, not only in terms of sharing teaching and research experiences and students exchange but also can co-organize conferences and seminars in the future. The Professor also expressed his expectation for the success of the cooperation plan in the coming time.

At the end of the ceremony, Prof. Jean-Marc Lavest, Prof. Dr. Tomas Benz and Prof. Furuta Motoo has signed the cooperation agreement between USTH, VGU and VJU, opening up learning and academic exchange opportunities for young people who are passionate about the fields of science, technology, engineering, and economics and want to experience and develop themselves in an international study and research environment, thereby assessing various job opportunities in the future.