Café Scientifique seems to be the biggest hit at USTH every last Thursday of the month with the participation of many students, lecturers and researchers. It is truly a place where anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology.
In the spirit of celebrating Vietnamese Science and Technology Day (18th May), Café Scientifique No.7 will bring you interesting talks with details as below:
Dr. Nguyen Quang Huy (Life Science Department): Drug Resistance in Southeast Asia: A One Health approach to tackle antimicrobial resistance spread
Dr. Nguyen Le Dung (Space and Applications Department): How could the weather pattern classification support the prediction of extreme rainfall event?
Both talks will be at:
Room 402, A21 Building, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet
3:30 PM, Thursday, 26th May, 2022.
Kindly save the date and share this information with anyone who might be interested!