Title: “Seasonal variability of hydrodynamics in the Thi Nai lagoon”
Supervision: Chaigneau Alexis (IRD/USTH) and Vu Duy Vinh (IMER)
Pham Minh Trang is a PhD student specializing in hydrodynamics and the impacts of climate change on water systems. She earned her engineering degree in Transport Construction Engineering from the University of Transport and Communication (UTC) in 2015 and completed her Master’s in Hydrology and Oceanography at USTH in 2020. Since 2015, she has been a lecturer at UTC, teaching subjects such as Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology, while also conducting research on river dynamics and the effects of climate change on hydrological processes. Her PhD (2024-2027) focuses on the seasonal variability of hydrodynamics in Thi Nai Lagoon, utilizing the Delft 3D model to evaluate the influence of external forces (tides, winds, river discharge) and extreme events (floods and typhoons) on hydrodynamics and water renewal processes.