For a scientist, international publication has an important meaning, affirming the quality of research work and also a recognition of the results of the hard and serious work process. Let’s have fun with the #USTHers who have recently published in prestigious international scientific journals!
1. Luong Mai Hoang – Nano Energy Impact factor 15.55, Q1.
Luong Mai Hoang, an alumnus of Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology with a scientific publication published in Nano Energy, Impact factor 15.55, H-index 112, belongs to Q1.

The scientific publication “Bilayer plasmonic nano-lattices for tunable hydrogen sensing platform” is the result of a research project conducted by Mai Hoang and his colleagues with the support of the US Department of Energy and Vicostone USA. The above research has opened a completely new research direction for the development of clean energy sources using hydrogen gas, from the development of optical sensors.
Mai Hoang is currently a PhD student at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Georgia, USA. Hoang has had 32 scientific publications in the fields of optical materials, nanostructures, gas sensors, … in prestigious scientific journals such as Nano Energy, Materials Horizons, Nanoscale.
2. Tran Phuong Thao – Phytomedicine magazine, Impact factor 4.18, Q1.
Tran Phuong Thao, an alumnus of Agro-Medical Biotechnology with a publication published in a medical journal in the field of chemotherapy using plant extracts – Phytomedicine, Impact factor 4.18, H-index 105 belongs to group Q1.

The scientific publication “Ethanol extract of Polyscias fruticosa leaves suppresses RANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis in vitro and LPS-induced bone loss in vivo” is the result of a study on the activity and mechanism of anti-osteoporosis of Panax ginseng. on cell and mouse models of Tran Phuong Thao and her colleagues at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology on Cancer, Kangwon National University, Korea.

After 9 years since her first day as a USTH student, Phuong Thao has persisted in pursuing a research path and up to now she has had 15 scientific publications on the activity and mechanism of anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. bones of natural compounds, this is the first step in drug preparation and development.
3. Nguyen Chau Giang – Astrophysical Journal, Impact factor: 5.58, Q1
Nguyen Chau Giang, a master student in Space and Applications, has just published her first publication in the Astrophysical Journal, a specialized scientific journal in the Q1 group in the field of Astrophysics with the Impact factor: 5.58, H -index 381, ranked 34th in the top 100 journals voted by Google Scholar.

Scientific publication with the topic “Dispersion, polarization, and color of Type IA Supernova by the influence of the rotation of dust particles” is the result of 3 months of research by Chau Giang at the Institute of Astronomy and Korea Space Science (KASI), under the guidance of Assoc. Dr. Hoang Chi Thiem and senior Le Ngoc Tram, former master’s students at USTH, are currently working as postdoctoral fellows at NASA Ames Research Center.
4. Le Thi Lien – Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Impact factor 2.71, Q1
Le Thi Lien, a final year student of a bachelor’s degree program in Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology, has just published her first international publication in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter of IOPscience, a member of the group. Q1, with Impact factor 2.71, H-index 197.

Publication with the theme “Quantitative study of electronic whispering gallery modes in electrostatic- potential induced circular graphene junctions” is the result of a diligent research process under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Lien, Institute of Biomedical Physics and Institute of Physics under the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
Currently, Lien is preparing for a graduate internship at the Center for Nanoscience and Technology, University of Paris Saclay, France with a partial scholarship from USTH.
5. Nguyen Phuong Quynh – Environmental GeoChemistry and Health magazine, Impact Factor: 2.99.
Nguyen Phuong Quynh, a former Master’s student in Water, Environment and Oceanography with a scientific publication published in the journal Environmental GeoChemistry and Health with an Impact Factor index of 2.99, H-index 60.
Scientific publication “Profiling and potential cancer risk assessment on children exposed to PAHs in playground dust/soil: a comparative study on poured rubber surface and classical soil playgrounds in Seoul” conducted by Nguyen Phuong Quynh and her colleagues under the guidance of Prof. Jung Hwan Kwon, Korea University, Korea.

The purpose of the study was to assess the potential risk of cancer for children when exposed to PAHs. This is a dangerous substance that can cause cancer, PAHs appear in the soil and dust at playgrounds in Seoul city due to the fuel combustion of vehicles.
Currently, Nguyen Phuong Quynh is a PhD student in the field of Natural Environment at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne.
6. Phung Thanh Hang – Color Research and Application magazine, Impact factor 1,027
Phung Thanh Hang is an alumnus of Information and Communication Technology with a scientific publication published in Color Research and Application magazine, with Impact factor 1,027, H-index 56.

The scientific publication “Assessing the application of an image color appearance model to basic self-luminous scenes” by Thanh Hang has made an assessment of the ability to predict and simulate the color perception of the color display model (image color appearance model-iCAM) for light sources (self-luminous stimuli). The study points out the disadvantages of using the color rendering model of reflective materials for the light source, and gives suggestions to overcome these disadvantages.
Currently, Thanh Hang is still working as a doctoral student in simulating color perception from light sources of the human eye for application in the lighting and display industry at the Light and Lighting Laboratory, KU University. Leuven, Belgium.
Congratulations to USTHers on their initial success in research. Hopefully, the University will continue to receive more good news from USTH students and alumni in the future.