No | Description | Link to download |
1 | Notice No. 578/TB-ĐHKHCN dated October 17, 2024 Notice on organizing the Committees for reviewing graduation for master’s students (wave 2) in academic year 2023-2024 | HERE |
2 | Notice No. 528/KH-ĐHKHCN dated September 30, 2024 on the Plan implementing academic schedule for bachelor and master program, academic year 2024-2025 | HERE |
3 |
Notice On organizing the Committees for reviewing grade-passing, major change and graduation for bachelor’s and master’s students
4 |
Notice No. 469/KH-ĐHKHCN dated September 26, 2023 on the plan of implementing academic schedule for bachelor and master program, academic year 2023-2024.
5 | Notice 338/TB-ĐHKHCN dated 20/7/2023 on organizing Juries for grade-passing, specialty transfer and graduation for Undergraduate and Master student | HERE |
6 | Notice On the plan of receiving list and documents relating bachelor and master student’s internship in the academic year 2022-2023 | HERE |
7 | Notice 365/KH-ĐHKHCN dated 22/9/2022 Notice of the plan of implementing academic schedule for Bachelor and Master program, academic year 2022 – 2023 | HERE |
8 |
Notice 279/TB-ĐHKHCN dated 25/7/2022 Notice on organizing Juries for Graduation, Grade-passing and major change for Bachelor and Master students in the academic year 2021 – 2022.