University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH) was established with the aim to provide high quality human resources in Science and Technology serving for the development of research and technology transfer, for the demand of socio – economic development of Vietnam and making all efforts to become an excellent research oriented University in Vietnam, reaching regional and international standards. Therefore, improving the capacity building on S& T research and innovation for lecturers and students is among the top priorities of USTH.
In the framework of the USTH 20 Program, initiated in 2018, with the aim of continuing to support and encourage students to deeply participate in the S&T creative activities which enable the promotion of the start-up activities and innovative ideas, USTH re-launches the program with the Call for application for USTH-20 program of 2021 with the specific contents as below.
Maximum 20.000.000 VND (Twenty millions Vietnamese dongs) per project.
Any registered USTH Bachelor or Master student studying at USTH at the time of selection can apply.
Within 2021.
- Each project will be led by 01 student, who is the main responsible person (also called project leader).
- Each project will be implemented by at least 03 USTH students and at most 05 students (all registered at USTH).
- The project must present some novelty, hence the research idea should not be identical with another idea already implemented or published, nor should it have been already submitted to any international or national awards at the time of proposal submission.
- Through the selection process, priority will be given to innovative ideas that represent a breakthrough, either theoretical or practical, in the form of a product or a process useful to life. Intended usefulness and/or benefits to society should be highlighted in the proposal.

Full proposal (completed templates S-01, S-02 and S-03): Before 5:00 p.m., Friday, 05th February 2021.
Templates: download here
- The full-proposals must be written in English, A4 paper format with Time news Roman font size 12, and should not be exceed fifteen (15) pages, tentative budget included.
- Late submission (after the deadline mentioned above) will not be accepted
All application dossiers (hard or soft copy- pdf file) will be submitted to:
Direction of Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer (DRITT)
Room 305, 3rd Floor, A21 Building
Email: dritt@usth.edu.vn
For further information and support, please contact: Direction of Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer Office at R.305, A21 Building Tel.: (+ 84-24) Email: dritt@usth.edu.vn |